Prof Bhaskar Vira |
Dr Tabitha Mwangi |
Awah Leonide |
Wallace Zimunya |
Kajal Chougala |
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Student Wellbeing Advisor
Dr Sara Serradas O'Holleran |
Robert Foster-Jones |
Communications Coordinator
Senior Research Coordinator
Transitions Coordinator
Board members
The programme is overseen by the following board members, bringing expertise and experience from a wide range of faculties and specialisms across the University.
- Prof Bhaskar Vira, Programme Head and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education (Chair)
- Alison Traub, Head of Cambridge University Development and Alumni Relations Office
- Prof Caroline Trotter, Director of Cambridge-Africa
- Prof Chris Sandbrook, Director of the MPhil in Conservation Leadership
- Dr Micheal Glover, Academic Secretary
- Dr Mike Finn, Senior Tutor, St Edmunds college
- Dr Mike Rands, Master of Darwin College
- Prof Neil Stott, Co-Director of Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation
- Ololade Osifala, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program alumni
- Prof Pauline Rose, Director of the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre
- Prof Tollulah Oni, Clinical Professor of Global Public Health and Sustainable Urban Development
- Prof Sir John Ashton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research